Tuesday, February 3, 2015


A few years ago I watched a documentary of the famous Hip Hop artist, Eminem. In the documentary, they told the story of the time Eminem jumped off the stage to attack a guy in the crowd.
Later when they asked him why he did what he did, He  replied, "I attacked the guy because he kept giving me dirty looks."
Now you may say that Eminem is crazy, but it is possible that the guy in the crowd actually gave him dirty looks. Its possible that the guy was there just to tick Eminem off.
The truth of the matter is that, we live in a world  filled with annoying people. They are everywhere. They are in your family, in your neighborhood, on the internet, at your work place, and dare I say, you may even find some in your church! Annoying people will bring out the worse in you if you let them.
When Arnold Schwarzenegger was running for the  Governor of California, someone threw  an egg at him during one of his campaign stops. The egg landed and broke right on his jacket.
For a moment, I thought the Terminator was going to jump into the crowd and terminate the egg thrower. But to his credit,  Arnold played it cool. Instead of getting mad, he simply took off the egg-stained jacket, handed it to one of his aides, and continued with his campaign.
What was the difference between Arnold and Eminem? Both men had run-in with annoying persons. The difference was their reaction.
You goal is not to run away from annoying people. Your goal is to make sure they don't get into your head. You see, it is only those capable of getting into your head that are capable of causing you headache.
I believe that it is possible to deal with annoying people without being annoyed. I believe that it is possible to be around offensive people without being offended. There is a scripture in the Bible that I love so much. It is found in the book of Acts.
"But none of these things move me......"
                                                              Acts 20:24
I think we must get to that point in our lives, where we are no longer easily moved by offenses and offensive people. I've not gotten there yet; but I'm working on it.

Editor's Note: If you've been blessed by this article and you feel others need to read it, please feel free to share it on your favorite social network site. 
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