I was watching a documentary on Donald Trump and I heard him say that he sleeps just 3 to 4 hours a day. Now, you may not like Donald Trump or agree with his political views, but I think there is a lot to learn from this man.
I do not know all the secret to Donald Trump's success, but I do know that a 3 to 4 hour sleep schedule is definitely part of it. No man can accomplish all that he has accomplished without sacrificing a little bit of sleep.
Successful people are not successful because they are lucky. Successful people are successful because of the sacrifices they make.
Sacrifice improves your chances of success in life. You can sit around the house talking about divine favor all day. But if you are not making any sacrifices, you are just deceiving yourself.
How far you go in life and how high you fly is determined by how much you are willing to sacrifice for your dreams.
Our world today is filled with people who want to succeed without sacrifice. They want rainbow but they don't want to deal with the rain, they want honey, but don't want to deal with the bees, they want to Donald Trump's success but don't want to Donald Trump's sleep schedule. They want income but they don't want input.
We are in the sixth month of the year. Before you know it 2016 is over. The question is: Are you going to make this year just another year in your life, or are you going to make it a year that counts. The only way to make this year a productive year is to start making some sacrifices.
Dr. Monica is about to marry a man beneath her status. Her parent's think it is a mistake; they think he is a gold-digger with nefarious intent. But Monica is so smitten with love that she is prepared to ignore her parents' warning and follow her heart. Will this be the biggest mistake of Monica's life or will her instinct prove to be right?
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