Friday, January 16, 2015


In 1992 we had a preacher who came to town, claiming that he died and went to heaven and came back again. A large crowd gathered to hear him speak. It was one of the most sensational church events I'd ever attended.
A few year later, we had another preacher come to town. This one  claimed that he had been to heaven so many times he knew the names of every angel in heaven. He said, "If there are any angels in heaven whose name I don't know, they must have been recently created."
One of the benefits of growing older in the Lord is that I am no longer sensation-driven. I am no longer intoxicated by sensational preachers and televangelists who talk about dreams, visions, revelations and prophecy.
Just because a man says he saw heaven, don't mean I should believe him. Just because some prophet said they heard a voice, don't mean I should follow them. I am only moved by the sound teaching of the word of God. Teach the complete Gospel and you've got my attention. Start jumping around and talking about spooky stuff, and I will distance myself as far as possible from you.
Does that mean I don't believe in the miraculous?  Trust me I do. I am a Pentecostal for crying out loud!
But there are too many falsehood being perpetrated in the Christiandom that I feel the need to caution anyone who cares to listen. 
Just recently, Alex Malarkey who wrote a book in 2010 titled , "The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven," confessed that the book was all made up. In the book, this boy claimed that he went to heaven and actually spoke with Jesus.
Naturally the book was an instant bestseller. Millions of copies have been sold up to date. 
The fact that millions of Christians bought this book shows that sensation sells. People will gather around a preacher who is sensational as opposed to one who is theological. People don't have time for indepth studying of the word of God. They would rather pursue the sensational.
 If I write a book on the Life of Jesus Christ, I bet you that I won't sell more than 50 copies. But if I write a book titled, How I died and came back From Heaven, you can be sure that millions of copies would be sold. 
The problem with christianity is not that we have too many false prophets. The problem is, that we have too many sensation-driven Christians. Until we stop going after the spectacular and the sensational, false prophets will continue to thrive in our midst.

Monday, January 12, 2015


      According to BBC report, the Islamic militants who stormed the Paris office of the French satirical paper, Charlie Hebdo on the 7th of January were heard shouting as they viciously mowed down twelve lives, We have avenged the prophet Mohammed!"

      Let me be very clear, I do not agree with Charlie Hebdo's methods. I think it is counterproductive and perhaps mean-spirited to disrespect or insult the prophet Mohammed; a prophet revered by billions of Muslims all over the world.

      As a Christian, I'll get mad if a cartoonist or some secularist decides to insult my Lord and savior Jesus Christ. But will I get even? Will I strap a Kalashnikov and go after the blasphemers of Christ?

      The answer is a resounding no! I may get mad and I may bare my teeth in a vicious snarl, but I'll never seek to avenge Christ. My reason is simple: Christ is big enough to take care of Himself.

Thursday, January 1, 2015


There is an old saying that good thing comes to those who wait. I’ll like to modify this aphorism, by boldly stating that good things actually comes to those who go out there, and passionately pursue good things. According to the law of pursuit, anything worth having must be actively pursued. The law of pursuit is a law that recognizes passionate hustle. 
 We are living in a highly competitive era. There are too many people wanting the same things you are looking for in life. I once applied for a lucrative job in Massachusetts and the lady at the Human Resources told me that there were about seven hundred applicants for the same job!
In a highly competitive world like ours, only the active dreamers stay ahead. The ones who sits at home, hoping that good things happen to them, will end up disappointed.
A lion understands that it is very competitive in the jungle. He does not sit in his den expecting good things to come to him. He knows that there are too many lions and way too few gazelles available. So the lion goes out and engage in active pursuit.
Even the scriptures teaches us the importance of pursuit. In the book of Mathew chapter 7 verse 7 the Bible says: "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
If you fold your hands and wait for good things to come to you; you may end up being disappointed. This New Year, you must make up your mind to actively pursue your dreams. Only those who pursue, obtain. God bless you and happy New Year.